China Economic Review (CER)will publish a special issue following the Conference on“Income Inequality, Vulnerability, and the Middle-Income Trap – In Honor of Professor Martin Ravallion”(held on Oct. 13-14, 2023 at Xiamen, Ch...
This special issue aims to delve into the impacts, determinants and challenges of the development of small and medium sized enterprises in China. Submission deadline:31 January 2025 The impacts of the company law amendment on corporate governance, innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth in Ch...
China Economic Review (CER)calls for papers for a Special Issue on “Risk Management and Efficiency Analysis in China’s Economy”. Following the 2018 China Meeting of the Econometric Society conference held by the School of Economics and Fa...
The special issue is open to both theoretical discussion and empirical analysis on the potential economic impacts induced by the recent company law amendment in China. Guest editors: Sheng Hua, Bo Li, Xiaoqi Zhang Submission deadline: 30 June 2025About...
China Economic Review Leads the Field for Citations among Journals Specializing in Chinese Studies and History View all news Calls for papers The development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China Guest editors: Ruixin Wang, Yifan Zhang This special issue aims to delve into the im...
《China Economic Review》(CER)是在1989年由留美经济学会创办的会刊,首任主编是单伟健。经过32年的努力,CER已经成为研究中国经济的权威英文期刊,2020年的影响因子达到4.227。预计今年的投稿量约900篇。在这里,做为主编,我介绍一下编辑部的运行过程以及投稿应该注意的事项。China Economic Review (CER) was founded ...
China Economic Review 期刊级别 SSCI (JCR 2023) IF 5.2 Q1 (ECONOMICS 51/597) 征稿主题 China Development and the Global Economy 细分领域 High-quality economic development of China New Normality and Economic Stability BRI and its global effects ...
Global Economic Review, a SSCI-listed international journal, is soliciting papers for a special issue due to be published in June 2011. The theme is "Finance and Economic Development in China", and several selected papers and a couple of invited papers will be published in the special issue....
China Economic Review (CER) will publish a special issue following the Conference on“Income Inequality, Vulnerability, and the Middle-Income Trap – In Honor of Professor Martin Ravallion”(held on Oct. 13-14, 2023 at Xiamen, China). This special issue aims to shed light on the complex cha...
China Economic Review Volume 6•Issue 6 ISSN: 1043-951X 5 Year impact factor: 6.2 Impact factor: 5.2 Read more Subscriptionoptions Subscription options Sorry, this title is not available for purchase in your country/region. The official journal ofThe Chinese Economists Society...