China Eastern airline offers airline tickets & flights to over worldwide 1000 destinations in 177 countries. Book direct at China Eastern US official site.
Eastern Airlines offer flights from Europe to over one hundred destinations as well as onward destinations in Asia and Australia. online flight booking, discounted airfares, online buy ticket.
China Eastern information IATA Code MU Routes 1782 Top route Beijing Capital Airport to Shanghai Hongqiao Intl Airport Airports served 219 Top airport Shanghai Pu Dong Other popular airlines in the United States Flights Airlines China Eastern * Prices are per person and are for e-tickets and incl...
MU City VR Show À propos de China Eastern Basée à Shanghai, China Eastern Air Holding Company (CEAH) fait partie des trois principaux groupes de transport aérien de Chine. L'entreprise a été créée initialement en janvier 1957 par l'Administration de l'Aviation Civile de Shanghai...
Check real-time flight status of MU546 from Singapore to Shanghai on Find latest flight arrivals & departures and other travel information. Book China Eastern Airlines flight tickets with us!
因受凱米颱風影響,中國東方航空/上海航空2024年07月25日(四),以下航班已確定取消,異動航班狀況如下: l因颱風航班異動影響,需【改期】的旅客 如經東航官網/APP或東方航空直屬售票處/預訂中心預訂,並希望更改旅程安排,請撥打東航台北預訂中心客服專線412-8118(手機直撥+03)進行改期;或撥上海24小時客服專線+86-21-95...
MUQIXI9 I 12% MUQIXI88 台灣-大陸 (直達航班) I/P/R/S/V/T/Z 12% TWQIXI88 1.兒童、嬰兒票不適用 2.購票人需為東方萬里行會員(同行者不限) 3.人數至少2人(含)以上成行 註:以上所有優惠僅限機票價格,機場稅、燃油附加費用及其他雜項費用不列入折扣範圍。
Check real-time flight status of MU541 from Shanghai to Bangkok on Find latest flight arrivals & departures and other travel information. Book China Eastern Airlines flight tickets with us!
Track real-time flight status of MU583 from Shanghai to Los Angeles on Get live updates on flight arrival & departure times and other travel information. Book China Eastern Airlines flight tickets with us!
Airline Overview A member of the SkyTeam alliance, China Eastern Airlines (MU) is headquartered in Shanghai and has hubs at Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport (SHA) and Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG). China's second largest passenger airline, China Eastern was founded in 1988....