china dress是中国服饰的意思。china是中国之意,dress有衣服,礼服,装饰之意,china dress是中国传统服装的意思,包括唐装、旗袍等。中国服饰的历史源远流长,从原始社会、夏商周、春秋战国、秦汉、魏晋南北朝、隋唐、宋辽夏金元、明、清,到近现代,都以鲜明特色为世界所瞩目,主要以汉服为主,另外还...
China dress (Chinese/Korean Ver.) Global player ratings 5.00Average rating 5 stars out of 5 stars from 3 ratings 3 ratings 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% Game and Legal Info ※This item is also offered in a pack. This is the "China dress" costume that can be used in the main game for SENRA...
本模型所属分类为 "人物-女人",模型主题为MMD模型 圣诞服装 TDA式_China_Dress ,模型ID:118517,本模型由设计师么则天 在2020-09-17 18:38:59上传,含pmx 相关源文件下载格式,点数为未知,面数为未知,布线类型为未知 ,CG99-CG设计网持续为您更新与美女、动漫、TDA式、MMD模型等相关优质pmx模型,cg模型素材下载...
MMD模型 圣诞服装 TDA式_China_Dresspmx模型,本页精选MMD模型 圣诞服装 TDA式_China_Dresspmx模型下载相关的cg模型免费下载;CG99提供pmx,cg模型免费高速下载!
外部播放此歌曲> amin - China Dress 专辑:おなじ空の下 歌手:amin 还没有歌词哦
动画视频《【网袜旗袍】初音天依China Dress「疑心暗鬼」 (饭制版)》MV在线看!动画视频 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
英文释义:a straight, tightly fitting silk dress with a high neck and short sleeves (= parts covering the arms) and an opening at the bottom on each side, worn by women from China and Indonesia(释义取自Oxford Learner's Dictionaries)
※This product also contains the PS4™ version, PS3™ version and the PS Vita version of the item.The costume "China Dress" will become selectable for Diaochan under "Change Outfit." In order to play with this additional content, it is necessary to first purchase game disc or full ga...