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英国广播公司(BBC)董事会5月24日宣布将对其编辑和检举政策进行审查。近日一个调查小组发布了关于1995年BBC对英国戴安娜王妃的采访事件的调查报告,该公司压力倍增。 The BBC said it accepted the inquiry report, which said the BBC fell short of "high standards of integrity and transparency" over its interview...
BBC China News Get the latest news from BBC News in Asia. Bloomberg China News Stay updated with the latest China news and events. Find breaking headline news, business and financial news & analysis about China. China Daily China Daily is an English-language daily newspaper published in China...
Prince Harry has sparked rumors of a new romance with Norwegian rock singer Camilla Romestrand, who shares the same first name with Harry's stepmother, the Duchess of Cornwall, the Daily Star Sunday of London reported. Harry split from his longtime lover Chelsy Davy earlier this year, and is...
China Daily, the largest English-language media group in China, is the go-to source for high-quality English news content including breaking news, livestreaming, videos, commentary and in-depth reporting. The app also has a bilingual channel that allows users to read news in English or Chinese...
英国广播公司(BBC)承认在其一个电视纪录片中出现的部落建设、入住雨林树屋的场景是节目制作人有意安排的。BBC表示,2011年《人类星球》系列纪录片某一集对生活在印度尼西亚西巴布亚省偏远地区的科罗威人的描述不真实,违反了编辑标准。 It is not the first time the eight-part series has been embroiled in a fak...
BBC 小立Brownie 大名鼎鼎 14 六级刚过你应该听VOA standard Belichick 富有美誉 9 反正我最近在听joe rogan experience syctoo 大名鼎鼎 14 中国日报的话,基本上都是国内报道过的内容。所以会比bbc在理解上有很大的优势。 生命流淌之间 大名鼎鼎 14 六级刚过这水平也太低了,推荐bbc 的Learning和VOA...
1. BBC Radio World ServiceLearning English Programs in ChinaDays Times Dates Programs Monday 06:45 8 Dec ~ 27 Mar World news 19:45 26 Jan ~ 24 Feb Radio English Test 20:45 8 Dec ~ 31 Jan Grammar Lesson Tuesday 06:45&20:45 9 Dec ~ 3 Feb Talk about Business 19:30 9 Dec ~ 3 ...