Anthem reported a massive cyberattack last February by Chinese hackers when 78.8 million customers’ personal information was accessed. After an investigation, the FBI says the hack was done to learn about the U.S. healthcare system rather than to sell the stolen data. The breach included 14...
尽管该法案提出禁止攻击性武器,结束允许枪支滥用者购买枪支这一法律漏洞,并防止大规模出售枪支,但其核心点是提出了一个全国性的枪支许可计划。这将要求潜在的枪支购买者接受FBI的全面背景调查,包括指纹采集和面试核实,从而获得为期五年的枪支许可证。 目前还没有这样的国家计划,但研究表明,美国的枪支死亡率是目前发达国...
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the fbi dismantles the largest-ever china-backed botnet, the doj charges two men with a $243 million crypto theft, apple’s macos sequoia breaks cybersecurity tools, and more. andy greenberg pig butchering scams are going high tech scammers in southeast asia are increasingly turning to ai,...
The hack was first reported by theWall Street Journal. The FBI and other federal agencies, including the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, are currently investigating the cyber breach. The FBI, the Justice Department and CISA did not comment. ...
Cyber Attack网络攻击 网络攻击是最常见的数据泄露形式之一,因为攻击者不需要亲自出现在业务场所来窃取数据。他们所需要的只是一台可以上网的电脑和一些黑客工具,在神不知鬼不觉的情况下就能获取你的数据。网络攻击造成的数据泄露可能会持续数月甚至数年都不会引起任何人的注意,尤其是当黑客有备而来的时候。通常入侵都...
Thus this alleged attack may actually be on the virtual network that snakes across the US to the likes of FBI offices in any of the states, not just the state the CALEA “tee” is in place. Oh on another “point of the minute that is “almost the same MO” but different industry…...
12:55:55a FBI investigates attempts to smuggle weapons on planes 12:56:01a CHINA China partially suspends Google services over porn content 12:56:06a The Disappointing Leon Panetta 12:56:11a No ULFA presence on our soil Bhutan 12:56:16a Porsche automaker's global sales drop 28% 12...
A veteran correspondent recounts hints of surveillance - An intelligence service in Britain is warning that business travelers in China are targets of state hacking, and the Monitor recently reported that the FBI suspects China stole valuable bid data from US energy companies computers. A former Chi...
"For every breach you read about at least five more go unreported," says Jayson Street, the chief information security officer for Stratagem 1 Solutions, a provider of IT security services, and an information technology consultant to the FBI and U.S. Secret Service. "The new Cold War is be...