地址:1450 LAGUNA ST. SAN FRANCISCO,CA 94115,U.S.A 国家地区号:001-415 电话:852-5900 网址:http://www.chinaconsulatesf.org http://sanfrancisco.china-consulate.org http://sanfrancisco.chineseconsulate.org 电子邮箱:chinaconsul_san_us@mfa.gov.cn...
China Embassy in the USA has 5 consulates general in the following U.S. cities: New York, NY Chicago, IL San Francisco, CA Los Angeles, CA Houston, TX It's advisable to send yourvisaapplication or document(s) to the consulate office located closest to you. Sending documents to an incor...
中国驻纽约总领事馆(美国)(CONSULATE-GENERAL OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN N) 联系电话:001-212-2449456 网站地址:进入网上办事大厅 办公地址:520 12TH AVENUE, NEW YORK NY 10036, USA 办公时间:工作日 8:30-12:00;14:00-17:00 English website:数据未录入 ...
In denying bail, U.S. Magistrate Judge Deborah Barnes said Tang, 37, would have reason to leave the country if released. Tang has been held without bail since July 23 when she was arrested after she left the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco to seek medical care for her asthma. Tang,...
The consulate general of China in Los Angeles is open Monday to Friday by appointment. The consulate general is closed during the weekend and during holidays. Services at the Chinese consulate general in Los Angeles The Chinese consulate generalmayoffer consular assistance to its citizens. Services ...
Http:/ us.china-embassy.org. Http:/ us.chineseembassy.org. 电子信箱 CHINAEMBASSY US@FMPRC.GOV.CN. 地址 443 SHATTO PLACE, LOS ANGELES, CA 90020, USA. 电话 001-213-8078088, 8078011. 网址 http:/ www.chinaconsulatela.org. Http:/ losangeles.china-consulate.org. Http:/ losangeles.chinese...
Shortly after the announcement, Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin said on Twitter that China had ordered the U.S. side to vacate the consulate in 72 hours and notified them at 10 a.m. on July 24. The consulate will be shut at 10 a.m. local time on July 27. Live...
The United States has a consulate general in Shanghai, China, located at 1469 Huai Hai Zhong Road. Comprehensive contact details for the United States' consulate general, including the consulate general's address in Shanghai and telephone and email information....
HOUSTON, June 21 (Xinhua) -- More than 20 American high school students learnt about China-U.S. relations while experiencing Chinese culture on Wednesday during the Open Day of Chinese consulate in Houston. Introducing the history of relations between the two nations, Liu Hongmei, Chinese deputy...
http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/service.html Note: American Citizen Services is unable to answer any visa-related inquiries. ♦USA Consulate General in Shanghai Name : Consulate General of the United States: Shanghai China Add: