中国交通建设股份有限公司(China Communications Construction)40,414.2 1,394.1 中国 212 276 宝钢集团有限公司(Baosteel G…|基于1153个网页 2. 中国交通建设集团有限公司 经营学堂 |... ... 中粮集团 COFCO中国交通建设集团有限公司China Communications Construction上汽集团 Shanghai Automo… ...
Power Construction Corporatn of Chn Ltd 614.35bn 11.05bn 87.51bn 165.30k China Shipbuilding Industry Co Ltd 51.66bn 262.48m 103.98bn 30.48k China Railway Construction Corp Ltd 1.09tn 19.88bn 108.65bn 267.59k China Communications Construction Co Ltd 747.61bn 22.63bn 132.52bn 144.81k China Railway Gro...
3、中国铁建(China Railway Construction Corp. Ltd.) 中国 4、中国交建(China Communications Construction Group Ltd) 中国 5、中国中冶集团(China Metallurgical Group Corp.) 中国 6、万喜(VINCI) 法国 7、中国电建(Power Construction Corp. of China) 中国 8、上海建工(Shanghai Construction Group Co. Ltd....
China Communications Construction Co. Ltd. engages in infrastructure construction, infrastructure design and dredging businesses. It operates through the following segments: Construction, Design and Dredging. The Construction segment involves in infrastructure construction of ports, roads, bridges and railways....
China Communications Construction Company Limited.EBSCO_bspChina Communications Construction Company Limited Marketline Company Profile
China Communications Construction Company Limited is a China-based company principally engaged in the infrastructure construction businesses. The Company mainly operates through five business segments. The Infrastructure Construction segment is engaged in the construction of ports, roads, bridges, railways and...
八家中概股分别是:China Communications Construction Co Ltd, China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corp Ltd, CRRC Corp Ltd, Dawning Information Industry Co Ltd and China National Chemical Engineering Co Ltd.
商标名称中国交建 CHINA COMMUNICATIONS CONSTRUCTION 国际分类19-建筑材料 申请/注册号42878489 商标状态商标已注册 申请日期2019-12-06 初审公告期号1700 初审公告日期2020-06-20 注册公告期号1712 注册公告日期2020-09-21 专用权期限2020-09-21-2030-09-20 申请人信息 申请人名称(中文)中国交通建设股份有限公司 ...
China prestará a Nicaragua 63,8 millones de euros para construir planta fotovoltaica El Gobierno de Nicaragua suscribirá un préstamo con la empresa china CCCC para una planta fotovoltaica que beneficiará a Enacal en Masaya, incrementando la deuda externa con China a 919,72 millones de dólar...
On December 17, China Communications Construction Group Co., Ltd. (CCCG) officially announced the results of the procurement evaluation for exterior wall coatings (including construction) for 2025. This evaluation followed the tender documents' requireme