China Center for Health Development Studies, Peking University, Box 505, 38 Xue Yuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China Dan Wang & Beibei Yuan Contributions YJ drafted the manuscript, designed the study, and conducted the data analysis and interpretation. HW collected the data and mad...
Recently, Clarivate Analytics officially announced thatChina Population and Development Studies (CPDS), sponsored by the China Population and Development Research Center (CPDRC), has successfully passed the evaluation and been included in the database of ESCI. ...
The journal employs a double blind peer-review process. We havea preliminarily agreement with Springer Nature to begin publishing cooperationin 2018. Sponsor:China Population and Development Research Center(CPDRC) Publisher:The Editorial Office of China ...
港大的中国发展研究硕士(MA China Development Studies,MAChDS)很特别,它不像其他大学一般将其设置在发展研究或社会学系所下,而是在社科院的地理系(Department of Geography)下,同时课程还与社科院下的中国发展研究国际中心(International Centre for China Development Studies)紧密结合。 港大的地理系和发展研究都处于...
The hospital was the first in the country to establish an outpatient clinic specifically for clinical trials of new drugs, said Zhang Yong, an official of the National Cancer Center. He noted that over 500 clinical trials are currently open to patients, covering various cancer types, including ...
2024年4月17日至20日,人口学领域全球顶尖的学术会议——美国人口学会年会将在美国哥伦布市隆重召开。China Population and Development Studies(《当代中国人口与发展(英文)》)将在会上开设展台,展台号为414。期待借此机会,与世界各地的专家学者深入交流,共同探讨人口与发展的全球性挑战与机遇,提升期刊的知名度与影响力...
《当代中国人口与发展(英文)》(China Population and Development Studies)(季刊)创刊于2017年,是由国家卫生健康委员会主管、中国人口与发展研究中心主办的季刊,全英文公开发行,是目前全球唯一聚焦中国人口与发展的英文学术期刊。稿件主题包括:人口统计学和人口研究、人口政策和计划、人口和健康、国际和国内移民、老龄化和...
斑马博士, 香港大学(HKU)Master of Arts in China Development Studies 【洞察】 背景一般的,别卷港大商科了,听话~ 背景一般的同学,不要去卷港大的商科专业了,可以看看social science类的专业,今天推荐下香港大学的Master of Arts in China Development Studies(CDS, 中国发展研究)专业,这个专业适合很多跨学科的背景...
Andrei Ostrovsky, chief researcher of the Center for China Socio-Economic Research at the Institute of Far Eastern Studies under the Russian Academy of Sciences, said the adjustment of China's COVID response policies would benefit Russia-China trade and personnel exchanges, and facilitate its contact...
They are in line with the current international calls and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and are also significant to the African continent," said David Monyae, director of the Center for Africa-China Studies at the University of Johannesburg. (Video reporters: Liu Chang, Li Cheng, Wang...