(餐桌文化)2、etiquette culture (礼仪文化)3、number and color differences (数字与颜色不同)4、wedding differences(婚礼文化)5、education differences (教育)1、 food (食物)2、 tableware (餐具) food chinese-only want to eat ones fill (只是为了吃饱)(只是为了吃饱) westerner-enjoy dining appeal and ...
CulturedifferencesbetweenChinaandthewestern Gruop6 Contents •Thinkingmodeorvalue•Diningcustoms&food•Weddingdifferences•Region Thinkingmodeorvalue China:1.advocateconfucianism---ethics humaneness,justice,properrite,knowledge,integrity“threeobediencesfourvirtues”,"三纲五常"2.basedoncollectivism,place...
CulturalDifferencesbetweenChinaandwesterncountries---中西文化差异 2 Content(目录)1、Foodandtablewareculture(餐桌文化)2、Etiquetteculture(礼仪文化)3、Numberandcolordifferences(数字与颜色不同)4、Weddingdifferences(婚礼文化)5、Educationdifferences(教育)3 1、Food(食物)2、Tableware(餐具)4 Food ♪Chi...
6、The Chineseand Western Architectural Culture(建筑风格) 1、Architectural Materials 2、 Architectural Structures Foreign wedding ceremony ( 国外结婚仪式) 新郎 groom 伴郎 the best man 男傧相 groomsmen 新娘 bride 伴娘 maid of honor 女傧相 bridesmaid 花童 flower girl 戒童 ring bearer 求婚 kneeling in ...
And so the cultures between China and Western world are distinguished by a rather large scale. This paper focuses on these differencesby the comparisons with Chinese and Western cultures in a mount of aspects. Values As we all know,Western culture is based on individualism rather than on...
1.文化差异≠不同文化(different culture,再说,即使这样写,culture也该复数吧),中心词为“差异”,宜difference in cultures,difference between cultures,culture difference(推荐) 2.西方,the West,足够啦,West大写,特指西方社会、西方国家 3.中国,是否首字母该大写? 综上,中西方文化差异 culture difference between...
If you want to translate these Chinese idioms into English literally, the version will not be accepted by western culture. For example, translate “一目了然” into “one eye sees it all clearly”; “七嘴八舌” into “seven mouths and eight tongues”; “三长两短” into “three longs ...
To the definition of etiquette,Chinaand Western have a different understanding.Every nation hasitselfetiquette standard which created with the spirit of this their nation.This formed the cultural difference between different nations. As languages is the carrier of the human culture. This difference ...
the different culture between china and the western countriesthe different culture berween china and the wesrern 下载作业帮APP学习辅导没烦恼 答案解析 结果1 举报 似乎...都有点...那啥...恕直言,先从中文说起1.文化差异≠不同文化(different culture,再说,即使这样写,culture也该复数吧),中心词为“...
3.China and the West diet culture fuses in the collision, in fusion supplementary.中西饮食文化在碰撞中融合,在融合中互补。 4.The Conflict and Integration between Eastern and Western Cultures--A New Interpretation of the Theme of the TV Play Stagnant Water with Ripples;中西文化的碰撞与交融——《...