25:50 How have the engagements between individual member states and Chinese leaders impacted the EU’s overall approach to China? 27:10 The impact of Trump’s re-election on the EU’s overall foreign policy as well as...
From December 6 to 11, 2020, China and the EU held the 35th round of negotiations on the Comprehensive Agreement on Investments (“CAI”), a bilateral treaty that will replace the 26 existing bilateral investment treaties between 27 individual EU Member States and China, thus providing a unifor...
Financial Times’ report on China’s spending on individual consumption. Listeners are also invited to join the event The German Election—Which Way Forward For EU-China Relations? on 27th February online or in Beijing. 本...
Vavassori and China’s Minister of Commerce also discussed cooperation between China and Italy’s EV industries. China has been talking with individual EU member states to persuade them against voting to approve the Commission’s tariff on Chinese EV imports. Spain has already voiced concerns over ...
It is no secret that EU member states cannot come to terms on a unified China-policy. Most studies on EU-China relations come to the conclusion that disagr
One must, whether an individual or a country, have principles when interacting with others. For China, the One China principle is one of the foremost preconditions for building formal ties with other countries. China, Kazakhstan pledge to enhance parliamentary cooperation ...
As a vanguard of regional economic integration, the case for the existence of European Union is driven by the fact that no individual member state alone may become a pole on the world stage and only cooperation may achieve this goal. From its origin, the European Union itself is a product ...
(i) Agree that such information will apply to any subsequent access to the Individual investors (or Institutions / Intermediaries) section of this website by you, and that all such subsequent access will be subject to the disclaimers, risk warnings and other information set out herein...
and the EU Strategy on Connecting Europe and Asia and welcome forging synergies between them. The Participants express their willingness to conduct cooperation using the opportunities provided by the Initiative and the Strategy, which for the EU Member States would also complement relevant EU ...
There is also a general consensus in the affirmation that both traditional Chinese political theory and socialist theory emphasize harmonious relations between the state and individual.Footnote 45 As such the perceived necessity for the existence of personal rights is very small.Footnote 46 According to...