Devadason E (2008a) China and India in world trade: are the Asia giants a threat to Malaysia? Global Econ Rev 37(4):447-467China and India in World Trade:Are the Asia Giants a Threat to Malaysia?. Evelyn s Devadason. Global Economic Review . 2008...
China-India economic and trade cooperation have witnessed remarkable results. The two countries have supported each other to ensure global trade remains multilateral while pushing for stronger regional economic integration. Together, India and China have made important contributions in the establishment of ...
Addressing the 11th meeting of China-India Joint Group on Economic Relations, Trade, Science and Technology, Chinese Commerce Minister Zhong Shan said the trade volume between China and India reached a record high of 84.4 billion U.S. dollars in 2017, up 20.3 percent from the previous year. C...
and bilateral trade has increased at an annual speed of 40 percent, resulting in a record high bilateral trade volume of US$73.6 billion in 2011. However, the trade imbalance between India and China has also become glaring...
With higher shares in world merchandise trade and improvements in product quality, China is better positioned than India in the near term for influencing global trade. From the Malaysian perspective, China represents a non-negligible share in Malaysia's trade. The trends in bilateral trade with bot...
China and India represent trade opportunities rather than trade competition for the bulk of Latin American countries. Most of China's increased exports raise stronger competitive challenges to its Asian neighbours than to Latin American countries, although some of the latter, such as Mexico, do face...
Trade between India and China has been rising exponentially with a widening trade deficit for India, which has raised alarm by businesses, and some Indian parliamentarians have started accusing China for unfair trade practices. Nevertheless, both countries intend to negotiate for free trade ...
This paper aggregates the state of India-China economic relations with a specific focus on trade at the borders. It explicates the potential for economic activity at the border regions to generate self-sustaining and/or externally linked local development for both countries. By an examination of ...
我非常确定也是我。 That India imports more from China than it exports to it is evidence that India is winning at trade--for imports are the very purpose of trade in the first place. 所以,印度对中国巨大的贸易逆差说明了印度是与中国的贸易战中的胜利者。因为进口是贸易的唯一目的。
At present, the global economic and trade situation is obviously unfavorable to developing countries. As two large developing countries, China and India share the same or similar positions on most global economic issues. In part...