The conference organizers invite submissions of papers on all aspects of accounting and finance. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Auditing, Banking, Big Data...
作者简介 张亚男,经济学博士、讲师,毕业于山东大学和南开大学,2024年8月入职山东师范大学商学院,主要研究方向为行为与实验经济学、公司治理、神经经济学,以第一作者或通讯作者在《China Economic Review》、《Economic Letters》、《Accounting &...
The conference organizers would like to invite the submission of papers relating to all aspects of accounting and finance. Both theoretical and empirical papers are encouraged in areas which include, but are not limited to: Auditing, Banking, Big Data, Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, Corporate ...
2019年的模拟影响因子在WOS中相当于在Business& Finance领域中的Q2分区期刊 截止目前CFRI被SSCI/ESCI期刊引用418次,施引期刊含Review of Finance、Journal of Financial Economics 、Accounting & Finance、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal等金融学科顶尖期刊,以及自然科学,工程学,数学等领域的优质期刊 ...
2018年中国金融创新大会( 2018 China Financial Innovation Conference)将于2018年11月3日 至 11月4日在中国杭州举行,会议主题是“Financial Innovation and New Development in Chinese Financial Markets”,浙大财会系和浙大互联网金融研究院联合SSCI期刊Accounting & Finance,诚邀您投稿,论文提交的截止日期为2018年9月30...
Some MBA degree programs also provide training on accounting or finance given candidates’ fields of interest. Executive master’s degree is designed specifically for mid-career executive professionals. In contrast with MBA candidates, executive master’s degree candidates are required to have gained ...
This study's initial research sample encompassed all the brokerage firms and analyst forecasts from China between 2014 and 2021. The data were primarily obtained from the Chinese Research Data Services and the China Stock Market and Accounting Research databases. The sample period began in 2014, and...
A total of 734 translated articles were collected, accounting for only 1.8% of all Chinese archaeological papers in CCJs (Fig.3a). The annual translated article volume curve (Fig.3b) displayed the “twists and turns” of the curve starting from 1950; the late 1950s to the early 1960s was...
(CAFC 2022). CAFC provides a high-quality academic exchange platform, where accounting and finance scholars and practitioners worldwide can share their in-depth research on important accounting and finance issues in China and ...
2019 Global and China Management Accounting Conference will be held from Nov 2 to Nov 3, 2019 in Wuhan, China.