Beard 11 Exciting Chin Strap Beard Variations To beard or not to beard written by The Editors updated on November 1, 2024 The chin strap is one of the most popular beard styles due to its versatility and the fact that it suits almost all face shapes. Although it isn’t the easiest...
爱给网提供海量的创意片库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp4 格式的修剪胡须: 下巴带胡须风格| 吉列风格(Shaping a Beard: Chin Strap Beard Style | Gillette STYLER), 本站编号40283355, 该创意片库素材大小为40m, 时长为03分 12秒, 分辨率为1280*720, 该素材已被下载:1次, 作者为Kitty Kadoogal, 更多精...
Define chin strap. chin strap synonyms, chin strap pronunciation, chin strap translation, English dictionary definition of chin strap. Noun 1. chin strap - a strap attached to a hat; passes under the chin and holds the hat in place strap - an elongated l
chinstrap (UK)n(beard)SCSimplified Chinese络腮胡luò sāi hú TCTraditional Chinese落腮鬍 A chin curtain beard like Lincoln wore covers more of the face than a "chin strap" beard. 相较“络腮胡”,像林肯一样的胡须覆盖了更多面部。 chin upinterjfigurative, informal(encouragement)(非正式用语)SC...
Define chin-chin. chin-chin synonyms, chin-chin pronunciation, chin-chin translation, English dictionary definition of chin-chin. sentence substitute informal a greeting, farewell, or toast Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edit
复合形式: chin strap n (fastening: on headgear)系在下巴下的帽带If your helmet doesn't fit, you can adjust the chin strap to make it tighter or looser. chin strap n (beard)络腮胡A chin curtain beard like Lincoln wore covers more of the face than a "chin strap" beard.相较“络腮胡...
Originally, Goodman wanted a different kind of beard for Walter but the Coen brothers insisted on the "Gladiator" or what they called the "Chin Strap" and he thought it would go well with his flattop haircut. 古德曼起初想要给沃尔特配上一种不同形状的胡子,但科恩兄弟坚持采用“角斗士型”,或是...
A chin beard is a beard that covers all or part of the chin, usually without a mustache. There are two main guidelines for growing...
1.The origin of it could be traced back to the Songs of the Rustil People and Spring Snow.竹枝词原为巴人民歌,其源头可上溯到春秋时期的《下里巴人》。 3)pig-chin bone猪下巴骨 4)jaws,overshot下巴毛 5)chin strap下巴托 6)double chin双下巴 延伸阅读 下巴1.脸的最下部分,即颏。喉音...
and keeping bones completed,thus protecting souls.The user of the Chin strap is a shaman from the upper stage,which doesn't have an obvious relationship with "masks"of Zoroastrian clergies.The use of"masks"is connected with the cleaning concept of Zoroastrian,instead of keeping beard from ...