Pak-sheung NgChinese Studies / Hanxue Yanjiu
1. Imperial Examination has selected a large number of outstanding talents for the Tang Dynasty,they formed a open-minded Chin-Shih Group. 进士考试为唐代选拔了大批优秀人才,他们组成了开明进步的进士群体。2) gentry group 士绅群体3) the groups of scholars 士人群体 1. Gui Qian Zhi is ...
After exposure of 20 μM yakuchinone A to BCCcells at 72 h, distinct cytoplasmic shrinkage, cell bodies became rounded anddetached from the surface under phase-contrast-inverted microscopic examination(Figure 5A). Treatment of BCC cells with yakuchinone Ashowed chromatin condensation and nuclear ...
检查 JiǎnChá to examine, checkup, examination 地步 DìBù Condition 哎呀 ĀiYa ah! gosh! golly jee! 后悔 HòuHuǐ to regret 多亏 DuōKuī thanks to, luckily 糟 Zāo in a terrible state, chaotic 不幸 BúXìng adversity, misfortune 不然 BùRán or else, otherwise, if not 后果 HòuGuǒ ...
(1) don't can't wouldn't . (7) et al . a lot of . (2) a bit too (also) . (6) thru (through) . isn't aren't hasn't hadn't haven't exam (examination) lab (laboratory) . (3) . (4) . (5) . (8) http: //www.wjg...