这首诗是透过小孩的口吻叙述另一位名叫汤姆?达客的小男孩的遭遇。在此,达客的英文名字(Dacre)是与「黑色」(Dark)相谐音,自有明确的言外之意可说;同时,这首诗更以黑色的棺木暗喻扫烟囱的小孩所置身的煤灰世界,而有批评家就认为把小孩染黑的煤灰代表着人性的残酷(human cruelty)。整首诗最...
was written in 1794. In this poem, the child blames his parents for putting him in the position he was in. He is miserable in his situation and he also blames "God & his Priest & King". This point of view is different from that of its companion poem because the chimney sweeper has...
Abstract:In his The Chimney Sweeper (Songs of Experience) William Blake employs very distinctive phonetic and rhythmical means. Those phonetic and rhythmical means are effective in that they are closely related with the literal meaning of the poem and thus they help give vent to the poet's ang...
TheChimneySweeper Background 壁炉中燃烧的柴火会积生一层层的煤灰,容 易堵住烟囱的通道,影响空气的进出流动, 因此需要常常清理。可是壁炉的空间与烟囱 的通道又是那么的狭窄,那清理扫除的工作 由谁来做呢?身材细小的孩童便成了劳力的 主要来源。于是,清晨时分,一个个背带着 ...
Editor 2 Analysis and Explanation The Chimney Sweeper, written by William Blake, is a classic poem that has been studied and analyzed by literary enthusiasts for centuries. This poem is a part of the Songs of Innocence and Experience collection, which explores the themes of childhood, innocence,...
Let's begin interpreting William Blake's poetry with an analysis of "The Lamb" by William Blake. Included is a link to it's companion poem "The Tyger", as well as analysis of "The Chimney Sweeper", another poe
The_Chimney-Sweeper解析[文字可编辑].ppt,A little black thing among the snow 一个满身污垢的小小身影站在大雪里, Crying weep, weep, in notes of woe! “ 扫烟囱!扫烟囱!”他的叫声悲戚! ( the childs attempt at saying Sweep! Sweep!, which was the chimney sw
in 1794. In this poem, the child blames his parents for putting him in the position he was in. He is miserable in his situation and he also blames "God & his Priest & King". This point of view is different from that of its companion poem because the chimney sweeper has ...
By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University) There are two ‘Chimney Sweeper’ poems by William Blake. The first appeared in Songs of Innocence in 1789, while a second poem, also called ‘The Chimney Sweeper’ was included in Songs of Experience in 1794