Chim chimney Chim chim cher-ee When you're with a sweep You're in glad company Nowhere is there A more happier crew Than them wot sings Chim chim cher-ee Chim cher-oo Chim chimney Chim chim cher-ee Chim cher-oo 去QQ音乐看翻译歌词设置彩铃下载歌曲99...
【初学者】欢乐满人间插曲chim chim cheree作词:DickVanDyke、JulieAndrews 作曲:DickVanDyke、JulieAndrews 演唱(奏):DickVanDyke、JulieAndrews 人气: 唱法:器乐语种: 国语歌曲谱 日期::2022/6/23 1:43:56【报告错误】 【收藏网址】 【电脑版】 复制本页地址推荐给你的朋友 关键词:【初学者】欢乐满人间插曲...
歌曲名《Chim-Chim-Cheree》,由 Rachel Marquez 演唱,收录于《A Touch of Magic》专辑中,《Chim-Chim-Cheree》下载,《Chim-Chim-Cheree》在线试听,更多Chim-Chim-Cheree相关歌曲推荐,尽在网易云音乐
726 ch配音 by:唯冰yinyue 2300 CH-国拟 by:这位同志请以核为贵 5516 Ch日常 by:ch灵寒 45 ch原创文 by:念jy陇兔 4.9万 CH小破站 by:小小桉月 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 小苹果_Cc 303894 简介:温柔且有力量,不同成长阶段一直有我的陪伴...
Chim chiminey Chim chiminey Chim chim cher-ee!A sweep is as lucky As lucky can be Chim chiminey Chim chiminey Chim chim cher-oo!Good luck will rub off when I shake 'ands with you Or blow me a kiss And that's lucky too Now as the ladder of life 'As been strung You...
《欢乐满人间( Chim Chim Cheree )》原创吉他贝司,器乐,国语歌曲谱, 来源:词曲网,高飞上传,上传日期:2020/3/3 12:37:35。
Chim chiminey Chim chiminey Chim chim cher-ee!A sweep is as lucky As lucky can be Chim chiminey Chim chiminey Chim chim cher-oo!Good luck will rub off when I shake 'ands with you Or blow me a kiss And that's lucky too Now as the ladder of life 'As been strung You...
Chim Chim Cheree (LP版) - Allan Sherman Chim chiminey chim chiminey Chim-chim-cheree; Those are three words that Don't make sense to me But I'm used to words that Don't make sense to me From all those commercials I see on TV When I see an ad that Can't be ...
Caramelos - Chim, Chim, Cheree