Study the lesson titled The Scarlet Letter Chillingworth Quotes - Examples & Analysis for additional information. When you finish, you should meet these objectives: Discuss what finally happens to Chillingworth Point out the secret he forces Hester to keep Identify the secret Hester keeps from ...
Roger Chillingworth Villain Quotes Decent Essays 710 Words 3 Pages Open Document The devil, a red, fiery man with a pitchfork, beckons those who balance unsteadily on the tightrope of salvation into a deep, dark pool. He will prick you constantly until either you make your way across or ...
Roger Chillingworth Quotes Reverend Dimmesdale is thin and sickly and always clutches at his chest so Chillingworth becomes his hope for getting better. Though Dimmesdale doesn’t believe medicine can heal him, he caves and agrees to let Chillingworth help him. The two men spend time together and...
Learn about Roger Chillingworth in The Scarlet Letter. Review the role of Chillingworth in the story, discover his character traits, and read his quotes. Related to this Question What are some examples of how Ishmael and Quee...
Chillingworth's Obsession Quotes He pretends to know them so he can follow them to England. Hester learns of this plan in this passage: “‘Why, know you not.’ cried the shipmaster, ‘that this physician here—Chillingworth, he calls himself—is minded to try my cabin-fare with you? Ay...
Roger Chillingworth Villain Quotes feeding you insecurity, and awaiting the perfect moment to enact his revenge upon the Earth. Roger Chillingworth is from the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This character, who has had his heart corroded by the waters of wrath, and eventually bui...
Hester Prynne's Role In The Scarlet Letter Quotes Chapter 8, The Elf-Child and the Minister, discusses the possible cease of Pearl being raised under Hester Prynne. The government doesn’t think she’s adequate to be raising a child. Personally, I believe Hester is one of the best people...
Quotes and Meanings from The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne We find out how much Roger and Hester have in common. They are both holding a deep secret, they are unhappy and they both have a very desirable skill and both live on the outskirts of this Puritan society. 1857 Words 8 Pa...
Scarlet Letter Revenge Quotes Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, is set in Puritan times, following the lives of Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale, and Roger Chillingworth after Hester’s crime of adultery. While Hester Prynne successfully processes her emotions and refuses to cave in...