Word of the Day el trineo sleigh Explore Regional Spanish with Premium Only SpanishDictionary.com covers the whole Spanish-speaking world! Country-specific vocabulary Slang, idiom, and regional phrasebooks Vosotros vs vos conjugation practice Regional grammar Try 7 Days for Free🚀...
Some other options, which are more or less as slang-ish:Huevoneando con los compas. (If you're doing nothing)Cotorreando con los compas. (If you're hanging out)Jangueando con los compas. (This is not commonly used in Mexico, but in español pocho, which is the Spanish spoken by ...
But in the form of a 'Slang' it is generally used to mean 'Relaxing, Becoming Calm'. So in your sentence the context is 'listening to music'. Its a common usage in informal & casual English (Slang). It would mean 'Relaxing, Becoming Calm, Soothing the Senses'. 'Doing nothing very ...