Recently, numerous of red discolorations have affected the limestone objects of Lingyan Temple in Shandong province, one of the most important building materials in China. In order to set up the appropriate conservation remedy, it is essential to identify the origin, characteristics, composition, ...
送道光法师住持灵岩作者:王安石【宋】灵岩开辟自何年,草木神奇鸟兽仙。一路紫苔通窅窱,千崖青霭落潺湲。 更多: 山只啸聚荒禅室,象众低摧想法筵。雪足莫辞重趼往,东人香火有因缘。推荐工具 在线翻译 英汉词典 汉英词典 汉语词典 简繁互转 成语大全 汉字拼音转换 文字竖排 字典 五笔...