the ultimate cozy comfort food and a recipe you’ll have on repeat in Fall. Tender shredded chicken simmered in a creamy and hearty base is so inviting, especially topped with cheese that melts into the hot chili. It also reheats well so it’s a great make-ahead recipe for meal prep....
This recipe is the perfect example of a real food twist on fave comfort foods. Nothing better on a cold day, than a bowl of Southwest Chili!
Two Secrets to Our Cincinnati-Style Chili Recipe In much of Ohio, you can get packets of Cincinnati chili seasoning, and most people who make it at home use those. But Cincinnati chili made with good, fresh ingredients blows those packets out of the water. For the best chili, I deploy...
I love beans as much as the next person, but sometimes I feel like they are overused in vegetarian lookalike recipes (like vegetarian chili, for example) where we could easily use vegetables more creatively instead of defaulting to 27 types of beans as the base of the recipe. I don’t kn...
Texas chili freezes incredibly well, so it’s easy to understand why I made such a large batch here! You can halve the recipe if you’re cooking for just a couple of people, but when you can make a big pot and freeze half for later, why wouldn’t you?
“I made your chili recipe last Friday, it was a hit with my family!!!” HOW TO MAKE INSTANT POT HOMEMADE CHILI, QUICK AND EASY Brown meat and spices directly in the Instant Pot using the saute function on HIGH (love ameat chopperfor this task) ...
To celebrate this momentous occasion, I’m sharing the best Chili recipe people ask me to make for them throughout the winter months. It’s sure to fill your belly with its hearty, lightly spicy warmth. The Best Chili Recipe People Ask Me to Make ...
It seems that most people already have these ingredients in their kitchen. I use my homemade chili garlic sauce, though you can use store-bought if you can’t find what you need to make the homemade sauce. My chili garlic shrimp recipe calls for Shaoxing wine as an optional ingredient. ...
This Slow Cooker Vegetarian Chili Mac is a healthy meal for your family. It's an easy meal prep recipe for busy days! Omit the cheese for a vegan recipe.
Yes, but it’ll need to start on the stove! Once you reach the “simmer” phase, transfer this chili recipe to your instant pot. From there, pressure cook for 30 to 35 minutes. Or until the texture is to your liking. Or make this chili recipe as directed, then put the chili in ...