Lithium: Chile’s buried treasure The socialist government elected in 2021 promised to tackle inequality and promote socialist reforms. Whilst some improvements to the minimum wage and working hours have happened, it has struggled to implement others, and corruption and crime have recently grown. Chil...
AustraliaChile Jed 3 years ago 10 / 10 Australia has many safety laws for its citizens. Australia is another free country. Under the commonwealth. Formerly occupied by the Native indigenous persons before colonisation. Great standard of living, free healthcare, high minimum wage, LGBT rights and...
The life-cycle wage-growth profile documented by the literature for Chile is consistent with estimates for other countries with similar levels of development. Nevertheless, throughout the median of the individual's working life, returns are marginally lower than expected given the country's income ...
A second limitation of the database is that it lacks data on labour income. However, the wage effect is captured indirectly through the type of working hours, whether a worker is in a formal activity, and level of education. Moreover, with the methodologies used in this research, especially...
(s) is the probability of receiving a job offer which depends on the search effort (𝑑𝜆𝑑𝑠>0)(dλds>0), 𝑟r represents the temporary discount factor, 𝑤w is the expected wage of the offer received and 𝐹(𝑤)F(w) is the cumulative distribution function of the wage ...
Despite this economic development, Chile stands out for its high level of socioeconomic inequality. Wage inequality is one of the highest among OECD members and social mobility is very limited [15]. These features, coupled with the end of the mineral super cycle and the subsequent labor market...