Chile meaning, definition, what is Chile: a long narrow South American country bet...: Learn more.
In communication use Earthlings this symbol for Chile. Copy and pasteFlag of Chile 🇨🇱 Unicode: 🇨🇱 Meaning of 🇨🇱- Contents 1Arabic - العربية 2Bangla - বাংলা 3Chinese - 中文 ...
The question "《chile怎么读英语》" asks how to pronounce the word "chile" in English. The pronunciation, however, depends heavily on the intended meaning and the speaker's regional accent. This ambiguity necessitates a nuanced explanation covering the different possibilities. Firstly, it's crucial...
Love words? You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary. Start your free trial today and get unlimited access to America's largest dictionary, with: More than 250,000 words...
The meaning of CHILE MILL is a machine for crushing substances (as ore) by means of heavy rollers moving in a circle.
EspañolChile President Michelle Bachelet has lost significant popularity following the wildfires that ravaged the country the last two months. Bachelet’s approval rating fell four points in February, according to the survey Adimark, meaning only 23 percent approve of her job in office. According ...
"Chili" (American English) or "chilli" (British English) is a type of pepper. Many Hispanic Americans use the word "chile." "Chile" (always written with a capital letter) is a country in South America. "Chilly" means cold. More about "Chile," "Chili," and "Chilly" ...
the guide told us how local thieves kept breaking in and stealing the Concha y Toro wine. To deter the thieves, Don Melchor invented a rumour that the cellars and its wines were cursed, inspiring the winery’s most famous brand name,Casillero del Diablo, meaning ‘devil’s locker.’ Of ...
a其后,当美国经济由萧条逐渐走向繁荣时,梦想的具体含义就变异为财富的增加和地位的提升。 After that, when the American economy by bleak moves towards the prosperity gradually, dream concrete meaning on variation for wealth increase and status promotion.[translate] ...
The SII's Free Invoicing System aims to provide taxpayers with a system that allows them to operate with electronic invoices and comply with current legal regulations. It does not integrate with the taxpayer's software applications, meaning it operates through the SII platform and only with the ...