Population (2022 est.):18,430,408 (growth rate: 0.66%); birth rate: 12.75/1000; infant mortality rate: 6.55/1000; life expectancy: 79.79 Capital and largest city (2022 est.):Santiago, 6.857 million Other large cities:Valparaiso 1.000 million; Concepcion 902,000 (2022) ...
For example, the life expectancy for both sexes increased from 72.6 to 81.2 years in 1990–2023 [1]. In fact, Chileans currently have the longest life expectancy at birth for both sexes in Latin America, followed by Costa Rica (80.3) [1]. However, this increase has not been homogeneous...
life expectancyChilegender differencesUsing a sample of over 579 thousand workers that retired under the annuity system in Chile, we find that, conditional on reaching retirement age, there is a three-year difference in life expectancy between the lower and higher income groups in both men and ...
Life expectancy—80 yrs. for men, 85 for women.[9] Work force (6.94 million); employed 6.45 million: Community, social and individual services—26%; industry—14.4%; commerce—17.6%; agriculture, forestry, and fishing—13.9%; construction—7.1%; financial services—7.5%; transportation and ...
Pan American Health Organization.PAHOERC 2023 Annual Report: Abridged Version.s.l. : PAHO, 2024. List of South American countries by life expectancy.Wikipedia.[Online] United Nations, July 27, 2024. [Cited: September 3, 2024.] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_South_American_co...
This type of population pyramid is characteristic of an aging population, in which there is a low birth rate, long life expectancy, and low rates of mortality. Chile has also become increasingly urbanized, with more women leaving traditional roles as homemakers to enter the workforce.The...
The lifetime probability of a 40 years old Chilean woman of dying from gallbladder disease is reduced by 70% in the universal screening/elective intervention, by 63% in the high risk intervention and by 18% in the selective screening strategy. Her lifetime expectancy increases by 5.25, 4.64 ...
Contamination with these trace elements affects people’s quality of life and can lead to diseases that can reduce life expectancy [9], entering the human body through ingestion, dermal contact, inhalation, and/or the food chain [10]. The growth of urban populations and industries has led to...
Although women have a higher life expectancy than men, they also have higher incidences of chronic illness and mental health problems, and report greater use of healthcare services than men [81]. Regarding well-being disparities by life transitions as individual endowments, evidence indicates poorer...