Capital: Santiago1 Population: (2025 est.) 20,213,000 Currency Exchange Rate: 1 USD equals 958.078 Chilean peso Form Of Government: multiparty republic with two legislative houses (Senate [38]; Chamber of Deputies [120]) (Show more) Show More Much of northern Chile is desert; the...
Capital: Santiago Area: 291,933 sq mi (756,102 sq km) Population: ~ 20,000,000 Official language: Spanish Religion: 62.1% Christianity 52.6% Catholicism 9.5% other Christian 37.4% no religion Ethnic groups: 52.7% Chileans 39.3% Mestizo 8% Amerindian Currency: Chilean peso (CLP) Driving ...
Chile on Wikipedia The currency of Chile is the Chilean Peso. The nationality of Chile is Chileans.The capital of Chile is Santiago(official),Valparaiso(legislative)Largest Cities in Chile by population: Santiago, Valparaiso, Concepcion, La Serena, Antofagasta, Temuco, Rancagua , Talca absorption,...
The country includes several islands in the South Pacific Ocean includingSan Félix,San Ambrosio,Salas y Gómez,Robinson Crusoe, and of courseEaster Island. Santiago is Chile’s capital and largest city. In addition, it’s also the southernmost mainland country in the world. Overall, Chile occupi...
Most travellers from the US start their tour in Santiago, the country’s capital. More European in feel than most Latin American cities, Santiago is a vibrant metropolis that is flanked on each side by the Andes and enjoys one of the most beautiful locations of any cities in the world. ...
Latin America experienced sharp swings in net capital inflows in the last two decades, with significant effects on the domestic economy. Chile, in particular, recorded the highest rise in external debt in the years up to 1981, and in 1982 exhibited the sharpest drop in GDP (15 per ce...
encamped on the banks of the Mapocho, where he founded the city of Santiago, the present capital of the republic, and about eleven years afterwards the town of Valdivia. At least, after twelve year’s stay in Chili his life and conquests were brought to an end in a desperate engagement ...
CapitalSantiago CurrencyPeso (CLP) Phone Internet domain56 OpenStreetMap IDnode 424311104 OpenStreetMap Featureplace=country GeoNames ID3895114 Wikidata IDQ298We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. This page...
Description: capital city of Chile Categories: city in Chile, big city, largest city, global city and locality Location: Central Santiago, Santiago province, Santiago Metropolitan, Chile, South America View on OpenStreetMapLatitude-33.4378° or 33° 26' 16" south Longitude-70.6505° or 70...
Map Directions Satellite Photo MapWikivoyage Wikipedia Please support Ukraine in securing a full security guarantee from its allies—the only path to peace and stability in Europe.Photo: Wikimedia, CC0.Popular DestinationsSantiago Photo: S23678, CC BY 3.0. Santiago is the capital and economic ...