"HALLOWEEN NIGHT: TWENTY-ONE SPOOKTACULAR POEMS. Here's a verse from a long poem: 'I'm not afraid of all those things/ That bump or growl at night. / I'm not afraid of anything / But please leave on the light.' Orange and black are the main colors for great, goofy art paired w...
Please join us for a conversation moderated by Kalee Pair featuring internationally acclaimed photographer Anne Geddes. Full Events Calendar Sign up for our newsletter Sign up for our monthly digital newsletter to receive the latest headlines and highlights of philanthropy at Children's Health. ...
and the Horrible Halloween, George J. and the Miserable Monday, Emily D. and the Fearful First Day, and her most recent book Avery G. and the Scary End of School.The Super Fun Days Books is a collection of best-selling social stories about neurodiverse (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc.) ...
Ken Mochizuki and his family were interned at Minidoka Internment Camp in Idaho, and this is the story based on true events, of how they used baseball to cope. The little boy in the story is small for his age but preserves to become an excellent player. The story continues post-internmen...
Meet, too, some great women, such as Gloria Steinem, Frida Kahlo, and Malala Yousafzai, “rebel girls” who refused to accept the status quo of their day and blazed a trail for others to follow. Look Up with Me: Neil deGrasse Tyson: A Life Among the Stars by Jennifer Berne, ...
Christmas is once again upon us!! But before you head to the shops attempting to pick out the best presents for your children, take a look at our Xmas-filled guide to the most popular children's Christmas presents of 2024! We've also included information
Dog lovers will fall deeply in love with Cosmo — even adults. We all wonder what our dogs think as they watch us silly humans go about our business — pardon the pun. We learn very quickly about everything Cosmo thinks. First of all he hates Halloween and the silly costumes he’s mad...
She tells Oma about Halloween, snow, mac ‘n’ cheese dinners and princess sleepovers. She tells her about the weird things Crazy Americans do, and how she just might be turning into a Crazy American herself. Over the school year, Anais begins to make friends, feel like she’s part of...
Suitable for Ages: Themes:Energy conservation, Climate changes, Earth Hour, Global events Opening:“All over the world, millions of people use energy, every day, every night.” Bookjacket Synopsis: Each year, Earth Hour is celebrated on a Saturday night near the equinox in March. At 8:30 ...
Halloween-Theme Picture Books and Free Printables for Kids! Posted on October 23rd, 2016 by Carolyn Hart Halloween-Theme Stories and Printables for Homeschool and Classroom As the days grow shorter and cooler weather arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, October is a wonderful month to share a vari...