AmericanJaelun Parkersonkneels with his football teammates during the national anthem to protest racial injustice, CanadianAutumn Peltierspoke in front of the United Nations to raise awareness about water pollution; andTiassa Mutunkeifrom Kenya started a club for young people to stop elephants from be...
According to legend, the Frisbee's origins date back to the late 19th century when New England college students tossed pie plates to one another outside the Frisbie Baking Company. But it wasn't until 1948 that Walter Morrison and Warren Franscioni began selling their plastic "Flying Saucers" ...
What books are you and your kids looking forward to reading in 2019? We’re back with another epic list of diverse reads to share with you. Ready? Most of the books listed here are recommended either for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and early element
As life for German Jews becomes increasingly perilous, Anna’s parents put her on one of the last trains leaving for England. But the war follows her to Kent, and soon Anna finds herself caught up in web of betrayal and secrecy. How can she prove whose side she’s on when she can’...
With a senior and sophomore in high school, my days of visiting the Children's Museum of Evansville are likely behind me until I become a grandparent (which is hopefully still many, many, MANY years away). Although it's been several years since my kids had any interest in visiting the ...