Well this particular craft, was a given for us. But as usual, we wanted to make it our own. So Bella came up with the idea of using hot glue and attaching little cactus branches using tiny rocks. Which I thought was brilliant! I loved how they turned out. I honestly could...
Unleash your creativity together with your child and craft an original version of Humpty Dumpty using everyday items and recycled materials. The Humpty Reimagined Workshop by ECDA takes place from 1 to 13 October, from 10 am to 7 pm, at the Keppel Centre for Art Education (Expression Worksho...
But I think JK Rowling knows exactly what she's doing - and while it may have been one of those lucky strikes of fortune that helped propel this book into mythic status - I still imagine Rowling sitting in the coffee shop, scribbling this first chapter in a cheap looseleaf notebook ......