Our 10-month-old daughter, Elsa, has a personality that is larger than life, and the bond I have with her, even at such a young age, is precious beyond words. Read More Commentary: The Hidden Benefits of Homeschool May 19, 2024Ohio Star Staff ...
This site is popular with schools and available in 14 languages. Children progress through plans when they learn basics but need to be supervised to make sure they don’t skip important fundamentals before moving on. Although it starts with typing random words and letters, later lessons have an...
Children’s perceptions of competence are, like those of adults31,32, also influenced by societal stereotypes. That is, from a young age onward children start to apply the stereotype that people belonging to disadvantaged groups (i.e., low SES, non-Western migration background) have lower inte...
In this article, we present the Chinese Children’s Lexicon of Written Words (CCLOWW), the first grade-level database that provides frequency statisti
Teachers at FnF realize that parents know their children better than anyone. It is you who have seen them smile their first smile; it is you who celebrated their first words and first steps; it is you who have nursed them through illness and accidents; and it is you who continue to enco...
Resilience is a trait they need in order to cope with and overcome the challenges they’ll face as they make their way in the world. It’s best if they develop this trait early in life. Briefly, a growth mindset is a belief that what we know can be improved on. It is also the be...
and all-capitalized version into a typeset and "clean" copy that, in its regularized font and margins, removes the presence of the person who wrought those words, diminishes (but does not erase) the physicality of the words themselves as objects, made, crafted, formed by a hand with a pe...
with "That's right" or" Very good". These words work well when it comes to encouraging good behavior.But in talking about science, quick praise can signal that discussion is over.Instead, keep things going by saying" That's interesting" or" I'd never thought of it that way before", ...
Breaking the reading code, that is, acquiring a mapping from graphemes to phonemes, is of high importance for children as it marks the point at which they can start to read words with two and three letters and progressively more complex texts (Ehri et al., 2001 for an overview). ...