, the child is also understood as innocent, authentic and pure. Affected by these competing and contradictory discourses about childhood, adult television pro-fessionals who have produced and distributed animated programmes have addressed children in a range of ways....
Hand-Made Television explores the ongoing enchantment of many of the much-loved stop-frame children's television programmes of 1960s and 1970s Britain. The first academic work to analyse programmes such as Pogles' Wood (1966), Clangers (1969), Bagpuss (1974) (Smallfilms) and Gordon Murray'...
In adolescents (13-18 years), positive correlations were found with male sex, BMI, depression and TV viewing, and negative correlations with age, ethnicity, SES and parents' education.Consequences of Physical Inactivity and Sedentary Behaviour...
38.4%children's are studying under state board English school, 36.6% children's are viewing the programme along with the family,36.6% children's are watching 2hr cartoon in the holiday.41.6% children's are watching 2 to 3hr TV pe... AM Patil,S Baby,N Patil,... - 《International Journ...
In December 1980, the Health Education Council launched a campaign designed to discourage children from taking up smoking. Advertisements on TV and in comics and magazines featured a battle between Superman and the evil Nick O’Teen as he attempted to re
inspiredbystudiesin theEnglish-speakingworlddescribingtheperniciousinfluencebroughtaboutbytheconsumptionofTVprogrammesonthebehaviourofyoungpeople.Thiscriticalattitude,atvariancewiththecommonexperienceofteleviewers,hida reserved,ifnotdefensiveattitudeheldbyadults,whothustransferredtotheyoungergenerationsthedifficultiestheywere...
Television Drama Series: A Producer's View I cannot get onto my own experience of producing The Wednesday Play (BBC 1964–70) and Play for Today (BBC 1970–84) without first saying something about Armchair Theatre (1956–74) at ABC TV, where I was given my first job as assistant ......
5411 Accesses 69 Citations 7 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Background The present study aims to estimate childhood overweight and obesity prevalence and their association with individual and population-level correlates in Eastern and Western European countries. Methods Data were obtained from the...
We investigate family size and children’s heights in Indonesia. • We use the first three waves of the Indonesian Family Life Survey. • Family size depends on mother’s exposure to TV and access to contraception. • Instrumental variablesindicates that family size has a negative effect on...
Parents can see that their children are very good in some areas while poor in others.Parents also can see some children are good at these skills and others do well in others.Most parents fail to realize that today's children lack(缺乏) self-respect and self-confidence. The problem is that...