Many parents worry that showing negative emotions infront of their children will cause them to suffer. For example,children may end up thinking it's their fault or simply “catchthe emotion. Indeed, this worry has a sound basis-thephenomenon of “emotional contagion”(情绪感染)is real, andone...
Many parents worry that showing negative emotions in front of their children will cause them to suffer. For example, children may end up thinking it's their fault or simply "catch" the emotion. Indeed, this worry has a sound basis — the phenomenon of “emotional contagion"(情绪感染)is rea...
DMany parents worry that showing negative emotions in front oftheir children will cause them to suffer. For example, children mayend up thinking it's their fault or simply " catch" the emotion.Indeed, this worry has a sound basis - the phenomenon of"emotional contagion"(情绪感染) is real,...
【题目】D Manyparents worry that showing negative emotions i n front of theirchildren will cause them to suffer. F or example, children may end upthinking it's their f ault or simply "catch" the emotion.Indeed, this worry has a sound basis - the phenomenon of "emotionalc ontagion" (...
This study aimed to examine whether broader parenting behaviour (parenting styles), parental emotions (stress, wellbeing), and parental cognitions (goals, self-efficacy, time and energy for meal planning and preparation, and perceptions about children’s body size) differ by children's eating profil...
This study explored process of elimination as a mechanism by which children come to place several different but similar facial expressions within the same emotion category label. In phase 1, children (N = 92, aged 2–7 years) chose from a small array the facial expression that best ex...
The aim of this study was to assess whether different kinds of emotions are decoded in different ways during ontogeny. 151 normal subjects (80 boys; 71 girls) aged 8 to 16 were recruited in primary, secondary (middle), and high schools and 46 slides (3 male; 3 female) from Picture of...
A prerequisite for children with neurodevelopmental problems to have good mental health later in life is that the child receives the support of adults for learning to regulate and control emotions, attention, behaviour, cognition and independence [1,2]. Early detection by screening is in line with...
This test is thought to reflect the ability of participants to demonstrate their “mentalizing” abilities, i.e., their understanding of another person's mental states such as their emotions, thoughts, desires, beliefs, goals and how they might influence their behaviour (Peterson & Slaughter, ...
1.Remember that every child is different Some may be quiet while others may express their emotional distress. For example, some may become withdrawn while others may express anger or hyperactivity. Remember thatall emotions ar...