Admiring new shoes (sparkles and “light ups” are always a hit), searching for a missing shoe, coordinating our movements while trying to get them on and off, and clomping around in dress-up shoes. SO…….shoes are IT! We will be having lots of fun investigating the world of shoes....
Friends, I’m not sure I have anything new to offer that hasn’t already been said. Everyone I know is worried about something – aging parents, incomes or sudden lack of incomes, those working in health care or grocery stores, isolation, parenting, you name it. I have found some spots...
From the first recorded instance of the term up through today, ‘graphic novel’ has signified a certainclassof comics, ones that weregoodfor you, ones that had literary pretensions. And don’t get me wrong: I love that sort of comic:Maus,Persepolis,Fun Home,Exit Wounds, everything by ...
. . . The bearer is waiting on the jetty. Holding the shikara steady as Aadam Aziz climbs out, bag in hand. And now, at last, Tai speaks directly to my grandfather. Scorn in his face, Tai asks, ‘Tell me this, Doctor Sahib: have you got in that bag made of dead pigs one of...
Photo of his dogs, Darcy and Caboose, courtesy of Richard Bradley (A Rock In My Shoe). ... Kwanzaa "Unlike Christmas and Hanukkah, Kwanzaa was not born out of religion. Instead it is a largely social and communal holiday that grew out of the civil rights movement. Established by professo...
[looking up from playing with his shoe] Because they're different colors. 175 Miss Norline: But is that a reason that they shouldn't be able to play together? 176 Group: NO! 177 Miss Norline: No. 178 Eve: [sitting on her knees with her hands in her lap] It's just what happens...
Then Harry saw a shining, high-heeled black shoe emerging from inside of the carriage - a shoe the size of a child's sled - followed, almost immediately, by the largest woman he had ever seen in his life. The size of the carriage, and of the horses, was immediately explained. A ...
The child can make a special memory box that holds items; such as, jewelry, letters, or pictures that belonged to his or her mother. You can find plain wooden boxes at craft stores. A shoe box would also work. The child can paint the box and then glue gems or shells to the outside...
“For want of a nail, a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe, a horse was lost…”until the empire falls. But remember this crash of civilizations provides the opening for Israel. Saul, David and Solomon are all just after this crash. Part of God’s plan? Crashes? Bad stuff? harry...
Once the clicking ritual consumes all your waking hours for the next 76 weeks, you must eloquently memorize your shoe size and call the Pineapple Salesman before washing ashore for the Greatly Exaggerated Beef Jerky Festival. Finally, if you ever divulge the location of Wrinkle Dust to the Tax...