How often will my child participate in individual therapy at your residential treatment center? As often as the treatment team feels is necessary—which could be once a day or a few times a week. Children and families also participate in weekly family therapy sessions, as our clinical model ...
Children's residential treatment centers (RTCs) are at a crossroads. In an emerging managed care environment and faced with increased public policy emphasis on prevention and early intervention, RTCs must find a role for themselves that responds to legitimate public needs. The challenges to RTCs ...
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth aims to be a bridge between theory, practice, and policy, providing guidance and direction to residential care providers and practitioners to improve services for vulnerable children and youth in child welfare, mental health and juvenile justice systems. It ...
A national picture of residential treatment centers (RTCs) for children is lacking and this situation may be complicated by differences between facilities in how RTCs are defined. This study uses datadoi:10.1007/s10826-016-0640-1Sean E. Lynch...
Treatment of Choice or a Last Resort? A Review of Residential Mental Health Placements for Children and Youth Residential treatment programs serve troubled youth who tend to first fail in other treatment programs. Residential treatment is often regarded as a treatm... KM Frensch,G Cameron - 《...
At Homeward Bound, we sustain & support parents with children in residential treatment to meet challenges with greater knowledge, confidence, and commitment.
Davids A, Salvatore P: Residential treatment of disturbed children and adequacy of their subsequent adjustment: A follow-up study. Am J Orthopsychiat 46: 63–73, 1976.Davids, A, Salvatore, D (1976) Residential treatment of disturbed children and adequacy of their subsequent adjustment: A follow...
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth is a peer-reviewed journal and the official journal of the Association of Children’s Residential and Community Services (ACRC), a leading professional organization in the field of residential care for children and youth.Residential Treatment for Children & ...
, occurrence of physical or sexual abuse, types of aggressive behavior, hyperactive/impulsive behavior, medical and neurological problems, and self-reported drug and alcohol use in 397 youth who were assessed using reliable measures and consecutively treated in a reside...
The three residential treatment centers were owned and operated by the same corporation, but each center was designed to treat different psychiatric ailments. Four surveys were disseminated to direct care staff, which was defined as teachers, nurses, and residential counselors. The s...