Children of Narcissistic Parents must adhere to the agenda of the the Narcissistic Parent for their lives to be stable. Asserting their feelings, their rights, or their thoughts can lead to much bigger problems. These children of Narcissistic Parents learn that their feelings are invalid, u...
Parents on screens – narcissistic children: Loneliness in the AI age Elon Musk recently promised that within a year, we could buy robots to assist with chores and ease boredom. Experts warn that robotics could worsen the loneliness already seen globally. In 1927, director Fritz Lang astonished ...
Children and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: A Guide for ParentsCynthia BaileyRug
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is defined by the Fourth Edition Text Revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM-IV-TR , a handbook that mental health professionals use to diagnose mental disorders) as one of ten personality disorders . As a group, these...
The narcissistic parent derives gratification from having incestuous relations with adulating, physically and mentally inferior, inexperienced and dependent "bodies".Yet, the older the offspring, the more they become critical, even judgemental, of the abusive parent. They are better able to put into ...
Hello, guys. I am a teacher in primary school and I have a child in my class that has a really troublesome behavior. I think he has some problems with his parents at home. I read something in books and I suspect that he might have Antisocial Personality Disorder. I would like to know...
She is verbally disrespectful, narcissistic and selfish. My daughter moved to London and said she will never come back for visits. I get insincere calls for holidays and my birthday. No cards, flowers or gifts. Well every few years or so my son brings me something he bought on the ...
(We now know that our mom has narcissistic tendencies which explained her immature behavior while we were growing up.) I see this as a huge mistake-but nope, my oldest sister bought a brand new house that could accommodate both of them. She complains at nausium when she has a listening ...
which parents are the most important caregivers for their children and serve as a significant source of resonance. Their love and appreciation, which are not conditional on their children’s appearance, performance, or behaviour, contribute to the development of optimal, secure SE and shape the ...
RaisedByNarcissistsis the center of a network of Reddit forums about dealing with narcissistic parents. (See the sidebar for the rest of the forums.) Excellent insight, excellent resources.Please be aware that this is one of the few adult children's forums that members of estranged parents' ...