It is our voices. Our smiles. Our jiggly tummies. Of course we want to learn, improve, exercise, cook better, make our homes lovelier, and provide beautiful experiences for our children, but at the end of the day, our children don’t want a discouraged, stressed-out mom who is wishing...
fairly 常表示褒义;rather常含贬义。 【968】 God was moved by the spirit of the Foolish Old Man who ___ mountains. 【译文】 神仙被愚公的精神感动,愚公搬走了大山。 A. removed B. carried C. climbed D. drove 【答案及简析】 A。 很明显此...
Snuffer wrote, “It is not required that you have the priesthood to receive the Second Comforter. Everyone is invited to come to Him. The promises He made are clearly directed at both men and women ... God is no respecter of persons and is universally willing to accept all who come unt...