Smeerensburg was a community filled with families who were feuding with each other. Their grudges were so enormous that none of the children were even sent to school lest they end up sitting next to the child of a family their parents hated. This meant that many of the young citizens of ...
Koltnow, Barry
One of the greatest challenges in adapting children’s books lies in translating the essence of the narrative into a visual medium. Filmmakers must carefully navigate the nuances of character development, setting, and plot progression to ensure that the film retains the heart and soul of the origi...
In this episode of Over/Under, Smokey Robinson rates retirement, weed, and his new record “Gasms.”
it’s just doing the right thing that leads to the take down of a horrible villain and encourages all the kids around her. She’s someone to root for. And it’s like eating candy, reading this book. One of the best storytellers of all time. You must read him, so why not start he...
1 day ago TV Jimmy Kimmel pretended to be Danny DeVito with a mask so realistic, it creeped us out a bit Veteran comedian Jimmy Kimmel once surprised actor and filmmaker Danny DeVito in the most unusual way possible. 1 day ago Information...