I'm writing this so none of you are surprised at what might happen to your bodies in the future. My parents didn't accurately prepare me for most of this. Well, I shouldn't say that, because they probably did and I just didn't listen, but regardless, I'm going to pass on my kn...
Parents of wee ones still wetting themselves, chafing from seaside diaper rash, and requiring five wardrobe changes a day,wefeel ya. Oh sweet delirious well-meaning moms and dads, we see you on the side of I-95 with your toddler crouching to poop in that awful little pot of dysentery you...
of color and those living in poverty (up to 50%). LGBTQIA+ moms and birthing parents are also at a higher risk for developing a PMAD. PMADs can occur with the onset of delivery or anytime within the first four months of delivery, and last a year or longer. Risk factors for the ...
Researchers discovered thatchildrenin homes affected bydomestic violence, suicide or the incarceration of a family member have significantlyshorter telomeres, which is a cellular marker of aging, than those in stable households. The findings are published online in the latest issue of the journalPediatr...
I observed this exchange thinking, “I’ll bet his wife (or husband or nanny) could tell you the name of the birthday boy and his parents, that he is allergic to peanuts and that he was the one who hit another kid with a stick at preschool two years ago. She would also have rememb...
Learning to relax and meditate is a quiet activity that children and parents can do together — even if it is only for five minutes a day. All family members can benefit in this age of social media and electronic devices. It is quality time spent together. ...
Purchasing this book is like owning a wonderful treasure. It will certainly become a classic. The book explores aging, memory, the bonds of family history, and love. It is a powerful book that parents will want to share with their children, especially if there are aging grandparents. There ...
children’s aspirin inPa r-ents.55 Despite the advent of the safety cap, however, mortality rates in youngchildren from aspirin poisoning continued to rise. The determined toddleror preschooler with enough time could overcome the barrier. In an effort toeducate parents about this fact, the FDA,...