IndiaObjective: Overweight and obesity in children is associated with several metabolic and cardiovascular impairments, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, the causal pathway from OSA to obesity is not fully known yet. The aim of this study was to explore the association between OSA ...
Associations of economic and gender inequality with global obesity prevalence: Understanding the female excess 2012, Social Science and Medicine Show abstract Child gender and parental investments in india: Are boys and girls treated differently? 2014, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics Inequity ...
for BMI to screen for overweight and obesity in Indian children linked to an adult BMI of 23 and 28 kg/m2 respectively, using contemporary Indian data.Cross-sectional.Multicentric, School based.19834 children were measured from 11 affluent schools from five major geographical regions of India. Dat...
Body Mass Index Cut-offs for Screening for Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Indian Children. Indian Pediatr 2012; 49(1):29-34.Khadilkar VV, Khadilkar AV, Borade AB, Chiplonkar SA. Body mass index cut-offs for screening for childhood overweight and obesity in Indian children. Indian ...
There is one research letter from India regarding prevalence of pediatric NAFLD.18 This study was hospital based in general pediatric population and used ultrasonography as a screening modality. They have not mentioned prevalence of obesity. The prevalence of NAFLD was 3%. The NAFLD was seen in 2...
Obesity and underweight among children are major global public health problems driven by both known and emerging risk factors such as toxic chemicals. Cons
Obesity in School Children in India The global prevalence of obesity has doubled from 1990 to 2015. Worryingly, the increase is more in children than in adults. In just three decades, the number of school-going children and adolescents with obesity has increased by 10-fold... V Krishnaswamy...
In children who reported being physically active for six or more hours per week, such a link was not observed. The study also took into account other factors potentially impacting obesity, such as childhood eating habits and the amount of sleep, as well as the amount of digital media use ...
There is substantial overlap between hypertension, diabetes and heart disease in terms of their aetiology and disease mechanisms; for example, obesity, inflammation, stress and insulin resistance all share common (Cheung & Li, 2012), with research showing that adults with diabetes are more likely ...
Europe: overweight and obesity prevalence of girls 2015-17, by country Body mass index India 2019 by marital status Body mass index India 2021, by age group Body mass index among Indian women 2019 by weight bracket Body mass index among Indian men 2019 by weight bracket Distribution of ...