This film is directed by Joel Soisson (Cam2Cam), and stars Diane Peterson (Out for Justice), Kai Caster (The Baxters), Helen Coleman (The Office), Tim Rock (Yesterday's Not Tomorrow), and Billy Drago (The Untouchables). This is one of those movies that would have been better off as...
After an onslaught of the usual reality-bending visions and nightmares that typically make up clichéd horror movies like this,Amelia’s Childrenreveals the nature of the supernatural aspect to much disappointment. The longer it goes on, the more its attempts at scares become forced and unintentiona...
Just because a film is being created for a young audience, does not mean it should cut out stories or certain characters so that children do not witness reality. But on the other hand, not all movies need to be geared this way. It is perfectly reasonable that a movie will not be dark...
When you’re 18, 19, or 20 and all the things your parents told you are coming true—that you’re not prepared for the work force, that you should have studied harder, that you need to push yourself—it is easy to get resentful and blame and intim...
It is autumn there and soon it will be winter. Snow has already started to fall in some areas. That means it will get very, very cold. Some squirrels hibernate in winter. That means they like to stay out of the cold as much as possible. They sleep a lot in their little nests, ...
… I’m notentirelysure what I’m doing. I’ve spent the last year tryingnotto think about babies, about motherhood, about how my life would change were I to have children. I couldn’t evenentertain myselfmuch of the time, because books or movies or TV shows inevitably led to tears ...
Also,MY ADULT CHILDREN CUT ME OUT OF THEIR LIFE. Let’s Have a Conversation: Do you still find it hard to let go of your adult children? Or, do you still worry about them and take care of them more than you think you should? Please join the conversation below....
You feel the anger coming off the screen; you can tell there are years of resentment being worked out through the runtime. That passion and background are whyChildren of Sinis a must-see indie horror. The film follows Emma and Jackson, two young kids sent away to what is a conversion ...
one of our youth who is now trying to break free from homelessness shared that she has been watching so-called Christian movies about the end times. She described a movie to us which was nothing more than a sensational horror movie peppered with a brief moment when Christ rescues His chosen...
Toad is probably the most well known character in theWind In the Willows.He also has appeared in several books by other writers as well as plays, movies, and TV. Toad, as a denizen of Edwardian England is also a parody of the upper class. Althougha very nice fellow(in his own words...