In reality, the legislative history of the 14th Amendment is clear that it only grants birthright citizenship to the children of people who are legally and permanently living in the United States. This does not apply to the children of illegal immigrants, temporary residents, visitors, or tourists...
Significant new investments in high-quality early education are necessary to help states, local communities, and parents close the readiness gap that exists between disadvantaged children and their more advantaged peers. For Latino children, the unmet need is especially great. While Latinos are the f...
Youth panelists design the application process, and with flexible, pooled funds, they pick which youth-focused organizations receive grants. During the fund’s first year, youth panels awarded over $1 million to organizations in 13 countries. Youth empowerment and participation are vital to ...
The protection of children in street situations is a key policy issue that is mostly spearheaded by governments, the non-profit sector, private sector and
Goldblatt, B & Liebenberg, S `Giving money to children: The State's constitutional obligation to provide child support grants to child headed households' (2004) 20 South African Journal on Human Rights 151Goldblatt, B., & Liebenberg, S. (2004). Giving Money to Children: The State's ...
RW is the Program Director of CanCare, a patient navigation programme for cancer patients run by the Prostate and Breast Cancer Foundation, Australia. DJ has received consultancy fees; research grants; speaker’s honoraria and travel sponsorships from Baxter Healthcare and Fresenius Medical Care; co...
The group of international Indigenous scholars and practitioners have committed to working together further in the future, collaborating on papers and research grants, and by continuing to share Indigenous knows of waying, being, and doing.
Funding/Support: This study was supported by grants from the UK Medical Research Council, the National Institute of Mental Health, the William T. Grant Foundation, the National Heart Foundation of New Zealand, and the Health Research Council of New Zealand. Dr Moffitt is a Royal-Society Wolfson...
To address this, we have created a digital parenting programme called STEPS. It is delivered as a mobile phone app providing a set of tools and resources that can be easily accessed at parents’ convenience. This study aims to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of STEPS in supporting...
(Becoming Social, 716974) to KK, and grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, project number WE 5802/1-1 and project number 316803389 – SFB 1280 project A16), the Mercator Research Center Ruhr (AN-2014-0056), and the Volkswagen Foundation (Lichtenberg ...