Burundi (83%), Rwanda (81%) and Zambia (70%) had the highest exclusive breastfeeding. We found statistical significant difference in the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding across African countries (p < 0.001). Fig. 3 Forest plot with effect size (ES) for exclusive breastfeeding in ...
features, including clusters, strata and sample weights, to weight each observation by the inverse sampling probability and estimated standard error through Taylor series linearization, as implemented in the R ‘survey’ package60. Computer code was provided to NCD-RisC members who requested assistance....
Computer code was provided to NCD-RisC members who requested assistance. For surveys without information on the place of residence, we calculated summary statistics stratified by age and sex for the entire sample, which represented the population-weighted sum of rural and urban means; data on the...
and then they drew on their perceptions to tailor an intervention. Bond et al. [51] identified that children in Zambia were wary of an intervention that invited children to promote tuberculosis testing in their households, because of the stigma related...
features, including clusters, strata and sample weights, to weight each observation by the inverse sampling probability and estimated standard error through Taylor series linearization, as implemented in the R ‘survey’ package60. Computer code was provided to NCD-RisC members who requested assistance...
“community leaders in Uganda reported that corporal punishment was more violent and common against orphans than against other children in the household who were more closely related to adult carers or to the head of the household. In Zambia, a study by Human Rights Watch found that orphans who...
bag. The children were allowed to consume foods and drinks as usual. The urine samples were delivered by the parent to the researcher on the same day while they sent their children to the autism rehabilitation centre, preschool or nursery. The urine samples were labelled with code numbers and...
bag. The children were allowed to consume foods and drinks as usual. The urine samples were delivered by the parent to the researcher on the same day while they sent their children to the autism rehabilitation centre, preschool or nursery. The urine samples were labelled with code numbers and...
The study from Malawi and Zambia on the impact of cash transfer programs also reported a mixed and inconclusive result, as it was found that the program had a positive contribution on children’s school attendance and material well-being on the one hand, and an increase in children’s engagem...