This study examined the presence of protector and educator sibling roles in children's books about adoption of Chinese daughters by US families. A qualitative content analysis was conducted on a sample of 27 books. The books were coded independently by two researchers. Directional coding (Hsieh &...
Experts agree that you shouldtell your children the story of their adoption early and often. Reading these 12 books to your child can be the perfect way to incorporate domestic, international, transracial, or foster care adoption as a part of their daily life, and can give them characters to...
1After they know that they are adopted, the children have a desire to() A.learn more about their adoption from the adoptive parents more children's story books about adoption C.stay at home because they think the adoption is shameful or bad about it with other people such...
Why I like this book: I am partial to books for kids who have been adopted from other countries. We adopted our son from India in 1985. It is such a learning curve for all involved. Like Soo Min, our son attached himself to our dogs. And, I remember how we learned more from him,...
The previous two decades saw important changes in attitudes and approaches towards children and young people. Whereas in the past children tended to be treated as little more than appendages of their parents, the adoption of the United Nations Convention
The purpose of this study was to learn of black adopted children's adoption adjustment through children's reports. In addition to beliefs about adoption satisfaction, the study investigated the children's beliefs about adoption, spirituality, family support and attributions for their adoptive mothers'...
This leads me to a fundamental question—can children’s books such as Maya and Her Mums be called queer? Is there a difference between a book about queerness and a queer book? The answers to either question are not clear. Reclaiming the term queer in the 1990s gave voice to those previ...
It’s hard to believe my babes will be eleven this week.I feel like I just wrote this post about them turning six. I’m excited to give them some new books and will share in the future. Max has been rereading Charlotte’s Web. (Read about the first time here.) ...
Provides a list of recently published children's books in Spanish for Spanish-speaking children or students learning Spanish as a second or foreign language. The list is divided into one section for very young children and another for middle grade students. Information is also given about a Web...
After they know that they are adopted, the children have a desire to ___.A.learn more about their adoption from the adoptive more children's story books about adoptionC.stay at home because they think the adoption is shamef..