Mental illness does not develop in a vacuum. Just as the body can succumb to sickness because it is tired or under stress, so the mind is vulnerable to emotional and psychological strains. These strains are greater than ever on our families ...
As with adults, mental disorders in children are diagnosed based on signs and symptoms; however, diagnosing mental illness in children can be especially difficult. Many behaviors that are seen as symptoms of mental disorders, such as shyness, anxiety (nervousness), strange eating habits, and outbur...
Children's understanding of mental illness Paediatric NursingCoad JRCN Research in Child Health RiCH
Children working on the streets are vulnerable to a variety of mental and non-mental illnesses. Due to the scarcity of the research on the health impacts of this phenomenon on these children, this study investigates the risks of mental illnesses and school performance among children working on ...
Forty-nine children's (G- and PG-rated) films were viewed and rated with respect to the depiction of mental illnesses. Material about mental illnesses was included in 33 (67%) of these films. Twelve (24%) had one or more characters labeled as having a mental illness; an additional 21 ...
can also bring a previously hidden mental illness to light. Your child’s environment, lifestyle, stress levels and brain chemistry can also contribute. The thing to remember is that there usually isn’t one direct cause of mental illness. Instead, it can be several factors linking together. ...
experiences, before and after the onset of your child's mental illness. You are your child's best advocate. Remembering this will help in the choices you make to better your son or daughter's education and development and to guide you in finding the right people to help you help your ...
Learn about the Innovation Awards program, which aims to seed fund and accelerate transformative mental healthcare solutions for children.
BACKGROUND: Existing research and media reports convey conflicting impressions of trends in the prevalence of mental illness. We sought to investigate trends in the prevalence of symptoms of mental illness in a large population-based cohort of Canadian children and adolescents. METHODS: We obtained po...
Children's needs, parenting capacity : child abuse : parental mental illness, learning disability, substance misuse and domestic violence This second edition provides an update on the impact of parental problems, such as substance misuse, domestic violence, learning disability and mental illness, on ...