The Nottingham model of care, working with children and their parents, evolved in response to the needs of children and families and out of a shared commitment to change. The Children's Unit in Nottingham has a high profile nationally and internationally and has striven to adapt, create and ...
NOTTINGHAM (England)ENGLANDVOLUNTEER serviceVOLUNTEERSMEDICAL carePEDIATRICSMEDICAL centersVolunteers are a valuable resource and enhance the experiences of children and families but co-ordination and nurturing are required, as Bridget Litchfield explains.Paediatric NursingLitchfield B...
Agencies who provide travel for Asian immigrant families returning home for a visit should be encouraged to provide instructions about malaria prophylaxis. 展开 关键词: MALARIA PLASMODIUM vivax PLASMODIUM falciparum DOI: 10.1136/bmj.2.6098.1335 被引量: 2 年份: 1977 ...
Nottingham Central Women’s Aid is working to put an end to violence against women and girls by providing safe accommodation, intervention programmes and support to recover following the trauma of being subjected to abuse. We specialise in working with women and families ...
Children and their families may also form narratives as they try to make sense of the tinnitus experience (e.g. tinnitus is caused by ‘a monster in their head’) [6]. However, several studies have shown that children do not often spontaneously report or discuss their tinnitus with adults ...
Divorce reshapes holiday experiences, creating emotional challenges for families during celebrations. Divorce 4 Min Read Divorce Can Create Added Stress for Everyone at the Holidays Divorce can stress parent-child and extended family bonds and strain the most enduring f...
The study was carried out by experts from The University of Nottingham's Institute of Mental Health in conjunction with external collaborators Mark Ball, Edge of Care Hub Manager at Nottingham City Council (Children and Families), Emily Haslam-Jones, Kundalini yoga teacher at Yoganova and David ...
externalizing behavioral problems in young children with ASD across two time points. However, behavioral problems in young children with ASD did not predict parenting stress. These findings provide implications for early intervention and family services for young children with ASD and their families. ...
"We can and must do better for this generation of children and young people and those to come. Reducing delays in accessing the right help and quickly is essential to save untold suffering (often life-long) forchildren,young peopleand their families." ...