inunderstandingtheAct.Theydonotformpartof theActandhavenotbeenendorsedbyParliament. 2.ThenotesneedtobereadinconjunctionwiththeAct.Theyarenot,andarenotmeant tobe,acomprehensivedescriptionoftheAct.Sowhereasectionorpartofasectiondoes notseemtorequireanyexplanationorcomment,noneisgiven. SUMMARYANDBACKGROUND 3.In...
Section 2 of the Regulations concerning mediation pursuant to the Norwegian Children Act and Marriage Act states that the mediator may speak directly to the child in connection with a mediation, but is not obliged to do so. However, the mediator must inform the parents of the right of the ...
The Scottish Government is currentlyconsultingon amending the law on religious observance in schools. Section 9 of theEducation (Scotland) Act 1980gives parents the right to withdraw their children from both ‘religious observance’ and ‘the provision of instruction on religion’. In light of United...
Young children and adults process spatial information differently: the former use their bodies as primary reference, while adults seem capable of using abstract frames. The transition is estimated to occur between the 6th and the 12th year of age. The me
Every section contained the process of copying 10 characters. A reliability coefficient across the three sections was obtained for each variable from the 242 typically developing children. High inter-trial coefficients would indicate that the trials are measuring the same underlying construct. Statistical...
FEAST Trial registered 14th December 2020 with the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12620001347954). Development and initial qualitative evaluation of a novel school-based nutrition intervention – COOKKIT (Cooking Kit for Kids) ...
tested three- and five-year-olds and adults with an act-out task in which participants had to perform the actions in both clauses one after the other. The authors manipulated the givenness of the clauses (i.e., whether the subordinate when-clause or the main clause was given) as well...
Policymakers need to start considering the impact smart connected toys (SCTs) have on children. Equipped with sensors, data processing capacities, and conn
Section Editor information Australian National University, Acton, ACT, Australia Zhengdao Ye Appendices Appendix 1: A List of Chinese Folk Literature Adapted or Illustrated by Ed Young Title (and Parallel Title) Common Chinese title Text Publisher ...
In healthy adults, the contralateral and ipsilateral sensory motor cortex appear to act in a co-ordinated fashion during unilateral hand movements[25]. Constraint or reduced use of the dominant hand in young children may lead to activity dependent competitive displacement of the surviving contralateral...