Ten years after the implementation of the Children Act 1989 in England and Wales, a review of how its main provisions were working out in practice was undertaken by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC). This article reports on a survey of the views of 735...
This article seeks to highlight the main principles underlying the Children Act, and to explore some of the implications of the Act for people working with visually impaired children and their families. DOI: 10.1177/026461969201000302 被引量: 3 年份: 1992 ...
When we pray, “Thy Kingdom come”, we are actually saying that God will establish His Kingdom regardless of what happens in this world. He establishes it according to His values and principles revealed through His Son, Jesus. The sermon on the Mount in the gospel of Matthew explicitly tea...
‘thresholdcriteria’aremet Mainprinciples Safeguardandpromotethewelfareofthechild Nodelay Non-interventionornoorder Respectforthechild Partnership Parentalresponsibility StructureoftheChildrenAct1989 WithintheAct,sectionsaregroupedtogetherindifferentparts,eachdealingwitha differentaspect.Youmaywellhearpeoplereferfor...
and fair products that also adhere to the principles such as the one of data minimization and security. Third, we see more and more focus being put on regulating AI (Smuha2021). In the EU, this has taken the form of the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) that the European Commission issu...
The HEC viewed children as agents with the capacity to act independently, but they were also presumed to be particularly affected by their emotions. Fighting the “glossy” smoking image’, Lawrence argued, would take more than the potentially ‘dull and authoritarian’ ‘[h]ealth education ...
They are not able to act as negotiators in family decisions, even those that most affect their own interests. As one writer has put it, "a newborn does not make a good 'partner.'" Correspondingly, the parental role is antithetical to the spirit of the regime. Parental investment in ...
1 The 2002 Act provides a strong lead for the adoption law reviews currently underway in Scotland and Northern Ireland. This legislation was the product of a decade and more of debate and now provides a strategic consolidation of policy, principles and the law in adoption and child care ...
The main policies relating to behaviour will be the behaviour policies but other policies will also have an impact for example the health and safety policies, child protection policies and anti-bullying policies. All adults inschoolare expected to act as good role models and to behave in a cons...
if the interlocutor is an adult rather than another child. For example, if a mother, rather than a sibling, was the speaker, irony was understood more easily. The authors explain this by suggesting that adults introduce social norms and the principles of communication to children; hence, childr...