Ottawa parents, if you have a child 12 and under whose weight places them in the 85th percentile (for a calculator click here) or higher and would like to be considered for our Family Reset program please give our office a call at 613-730-0264, or send Tori an email and we will qui...
Number of decayed permanent (DT), decayed primary teeth (dt), plaque score, gingival score, height, and weight were recorded at initial examination and for each subsequent recall visit. BMI percentiles were obtained using the Center for Disease Control web-based calculator and categorized into ...
BMI percentile calculator for child and teen. May 9, 2019; Available from: He Q, Ding ZY, Fong DYT, Karlberg J. Risk factors of obesity in preschool children in China: a population-based case--control study. Int J Obes Relat Metab...
was ~383,822 [30]), were eligible to participate in C.H.A.M.P. Families if: (a) they had a child between the ages of 6 and 14 years with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 85th percentile for age and sex [31]; (b) at least one parent/caregiver agreed to take part in...