he refers to “prepubescent” children; in his later one the terms “prepubescent” and “prepubertal” are both used (Malón2015; Malón,2017). The context in all cases suggests that he means not just children who are nearing the start of ...
Senate Subcommittee on Nutritionproclaimed “the virtual defeat of hunger and malnutrition in the UnitedStates.”1Yet, by the mid-1980s, following a recession and reductions in fed-eral food assistance programs, the Physicians’ Task Force on Hunger inAmerica reported that 20 million Americans were...
Experimental studies in adults have shown that sleep restriction results in reduced levels of the fat-derived hormone leptin and increased levels of the stomach-derived hormone ghrelin, which in turn could stimulate hunger and increase weight gain.11,12 In epidemiologic studies, short sleep duration ...
Progress towards SDG 2: Zero hunger in melanesia – A state of data scoping review ChrisVogliano, ...BarbaraBurlingame, inGlobal Food Security, 2021 16Childhood obesity Childhood obesityis a growing public health concern across Melanesia, as every country is experiencing rapid rises in obesity rate...
There are several explanations for this association, but the most discussed in the literature is a hormonal dysfunction due to sleep disruption that alters the perception of hunger and appetite, namely a dysfunction in leptin and ghrelin that presents inhibitory effects on food intake and appetite ...
As childhood obesity and overweight statistics continue to rise throughout the globe, a broader analysis regarding the economic, political, and social contexts that shape children’s food choices is needed. This chapter advances a multilevel approach to studying childhood obesity by outlining a fast-...
In the pediatric population, B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) is the most prevalent childhood hematological malignancy, as well as the leading cause of childhood cancer-related mortality. Advances in cytogenetics utilizing array-based technologies
US children are at risk for developing childhood obesity. Currently, 23 % of children ages 2–5 are overweight or obese, i.e., at or above the 85th percentile. This prevalence becomes even higher as children age, with 34 % of children ages 6–11 being...
Four demographic covari- ates (i.e., maternal age, education status, marital and employed status) were considered to adjust for potential confounders The overall χ2 statistics based on the ori- ginal theoretical model showed a reasonable fit in the SEM, χ2 (10) = 59.69, p = <.001, ...
As defined, food insecurity is limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways [60]. In underdeveloped nations and areas, food insecurity mainly refers to hunger and undernutrition, which ...