The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS). Los Angeles, CA:Western Psychological Services, 1988.Schopler E., Reichler R.J., & Rochen-Renner B. (1988). The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS). Chapel Hill: Western Psychological Services....
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS)The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) is a 15 item behavioral rating scale developed to identify children with autis m and to categorize these behaviors from mild to moderate to severe. The total CARS score may range from a low of 15 (obtained when the...
The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) is an instrument for screening and diagnosis of autism. The present study was performed to assess the interrater reliability of a Swedish version of the CARS when used in a clinical setting. The procedure used mimicked a frequent form of consultation in...
Objective: To investigate the reliability, validity of the child autism rating scale (CARS), autism behavior checklist (ABC) and autism treatment evaluation checklist (ATEC). Methods: 43 outpatients (43 with autism, 31 with non-autism) were examined with CARS, ABC and ATEC, 31 non-autism were...
To distinguish between restlessness and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), we need to understand the origins of ADHD, its development, the myths and prejudices around it, how to recognize it, and the most effective intervention strategies. ...
儿童期和青少年期抑郁(早发性抑郁)表现出与成年期抑郁不同的一些临床症状、药物疗效和生理反应特征,导致这些差异的神经生物学基础目前尚不清楚。 3. This study clinically compared three autism rating scales: Autism Behavior Checklist (ABC), Clancy Autism Behavior Scale (CABS) and Childhood Autism Rating Scal...
Behavior Assessment System for Children is a comprehensive set of rating scales and forms, BASC-3 helps you understand the behaviors and emotions of children and adolescents. Spanish and Digital Bayley-4 Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development is the most comprehensive assessment tool for det...
All participants included in the present analyses had completed the reinforcement learning task, were 9-18 years old, and were classed as typically developing, with no current psychiatric diagnoses (including autism), learning disability, serious physical illness, or histories of disruptive behaviour ...
Some children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) exhibit low mental age (Low-MA; i.e., cognitive functioning below 12 months). We examined diagnosis, symptom severity, and development in children with ASD-low MA (n = 25), autistic disorder (n = 111), and PDD-NOS (n =...