Black women in the U.S. died at a rate nearly 3.5 times higher than white women around the time of childbirth in 2023.
This rate is related not only to the high-risk factors of the pregnant women themselves, but also to the economic level of each country, number of years of occurrence (which is related to the country's policy at that time), level of medical care, and transportation status (referral time)...
died at a rate nearly 3.5 times higher than white women around the time of childbirth in 2023, as maternal mortality fell below prepandemic levels overall but racial gaps widened, according to federal health data released Wednesday. In 2021 and 2022, the maternal death rate for Blac...
United States, attention is growing on maternal death rates and the fact that the nation has thehighest rate of mothers dyingin pregnancy or childbirth than other high-income countries. Just last month,data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Preventionrevealed that the rising US maternal...
founded Every Mother Counts. Access to maternity care before, during, and after pregnancy is essential to ensuring that moms and babies have the best chance of survival. And keeping our mothers and babies safe is something that should be a priority for everyone; it truly touches each of us....
Particularly, when bile acid level exceeds 100 μmol/L, the risk of fetal death rises significantly by a factor of ten [15]. Traditional methods of fetal monitoring, such as fetal heart rate monitoring, ultrasound examinations, or Doppler assessments, have proven to be insufficient for ...
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a liver disorder that occurs in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy and is associated with a significant risk of fetal complications, including premature birth and fetal death. In clinical practice,
Childbirthis an intense event that involves extreme physical stress and is of emotional, cognitive, social, and cultural significance. It is a very common and predictable event that enables us to study the interaction between prebirth and birth factors inperceived stressand the effect of this on ...
But health care professionals in the labor ward during labor time help us.” (Participant 10, a 35-year-old mother of four). Theme three: The relationship between seizures and maternal mortality Causes of maternal death were directly or indirectly related to pregnancy. Epilepsy was classified ...
aAs compared with t-PA therapy for acute myocardial infarction, immediate PTCA reduced the combined occurrence of nonfatal reinfarction or death, was associated with a lower rate of intracranial hemorrhage, and resulted in similar left ventricular systolic function. 与tPA疗法比较为深刻心肌梗塞,直接PTCA...