一般不说patients with Child-Pugh (class) C,而是patients with Child-Pugh (class) C cirrhosis或者Child-Pugh (class) C patients;总之,Child-Pugh (class) C在这里相当于定语。 在英文中如果要表达“客观反映了……”,这个“客观”一般可以考虑译成accurately,而不是objectively(有很重的中式英语味道)。编辑...
一般不说patients with Child-Pugh (class) C,而是patients with Child-Pugh (class) C cirrhosis或者Child-Pugh (class) C patients;总之,Child-Pugh (class) C在这里相当于定语。 在英文中如果要表达“客观反映了……”,这个“客观”一般可以考虑译...
Survival in patients with Child-Pugh class C cirrhosis:Analysis of the liver transplant registry in Japan. Genda T,Ichida T,Sakisaka S。et al. Hepatology Research . 2016Genda T, Ichida T, Sakisaka S, Tanaka E, Mochida S, Ueno Y, et al. Survival in patients with Child-Pugh class C ...
Serum retinol and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with child-Pugh class A cirrhosis Liver cirrhosis is the main risk factor for the development of human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In this condition, the liver and plasma suffer a drast... C Clemente,S Elba,G Buongiorno,... ...
a median age of 73 years [IQR 66-76]. 22 (73.3%) were White with 10/11/8/1 (33/37/27/3%) related to ALD/HCV ± ALD/MASH/Other cirrhosis. 16 (53%) had medically controlled ascites, and 1 (3%) had refractor...
结论:ALC患者的 HDL C水平对 Child Pugh分级有一定的参考价值. 关键词 酒精性肝硬化;血脂;Child Pugh分级;高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 中图分类号 R575 文献标志码 A ClinicalcharacteristicsoflipidsinpatientswithalcoholiccirrhosisofdifferentChild Pughclassifications XIONGFei xiang1,2,MENGPei pei1,JIANGYu yong1△ ,etal...
Objective To understand the correlation of serum endotoxin with fibrotic markers in liver cirrhosis with different Child-pugh score. 目的探讨不同Child-pugh分级肝硬化患者血清内毒素与肝纤维化标志物的相关性。4) Child-Pugh grading Child-Pugh分级 1. The analysis of the short-term prognostic of cirrhotic...
Objective To study the relationship among serum ferritin,liver fibrosis markers and child-Pugh class in patients with cirrhosis.Methods The levels of serum ferritin,type Ⅲ procollagen(PC-Ⅲ),collagen type IV(IV-C),laminin and hyaluronate acid in 76 patients with cirrhosis were measured.Results The...
FIELD: medicine.;SUBSTANCE: ratio of the D-dimers amount to von Willebrand factor activity is additionally determined in the serum, and when it is increased 4 or more times, class C liver cirrhosis of alcoholic genesis is diagnosed according to Child-Pugh.;EFFECT: method provides increased accur...
肝硬化患者43例,ChildPugh分级A级13例,B级15例,C级15例。正常对照组l6例,男11例,女5例。 均检测凝血酶原时间(PT)、活化部分凝血活酶时间 (APTT)、纤维蛋白原(Fib)、凝血因子Ⅱ、V、vII、 vⅢ、Ⅸ、x、血管性假性血友病因子(vWF)、抗凝血酶